
Terms of Service for Plebwork.com

Updated on 28/02/2024
Welcome to Plebwork.com, a freelancer marketplace with self-custodial bitcoin payments operated, owned and controlled by Rochal Holdings, SLU with business registration number L-717689-K with the Govern of Andorra, in the jurisdiction of Andorra. These Terms of Service establish the terms and conditions that govern the utilization of the platform managed by Rochal Holdings, SLU for Plebwork (“Rochal Holdings”, “Plebwork”, “we”).
1. User Agreement:
a. By accessing and utilizing Plebwork.com, users explicitly agree to adhere to these Terms of Service and all applicable laws and regulations.

b. Users acknowledge that any non-compliance with these terms may lead to the termination of their account.
2. Registration
a. Eligibility:

i. Users must meet the legal age requirements to register on Plebwork.

b. Account Creation:

i. To access specific features, users are required to create an account.

ii. Creating a user account necessitates the provision of personal information, including email address, and additional details based on whether the user is a client (demand-side) or a talent (supply-side).
3. Job Postings & Transactions
a. Job Postings:

i. Clients can post job offerings on the platform.

ii. Talent user accounts can contact clients, review and accept client proposals for jobs.

iii. Clients who have a job posted can contact talents to discuss job proposals.

iv. Job postings must adhere to legal standards and should not involve violence, fraud, or any other illegal activities.

b. Payments:

i. Transactions are processed in Bitcoin directly from a client to a talent, utilizing Plebwork's dedicated BTCPay Server.

ii. Talents are responsible for managing their own self-custodial wallet, including configuration and accuracy of wallet information.

iii. Disputes are resolved through the contact form on the web app, managed via email with internal staff at Plebwork.
4. User Conduct
a. Prohibited Activities:

i. Users must not engage in unlawful, fraudulent, or harmful activities.

ii. Examples include fraudulent representations, intellectual property violations, harassment, discrimination, unlawful content, spam, phishing, malicious software, unauthorized access, and abuse of feedback and ratings.

b. Financial Privacy:

Talents are advised to exercise caution and connect only new wallets for financial privacy.
5. Obligations of Freelancers and Clients:
By participating in Plebwork.com, freelancers, agencies (talent) and clients agree to obligations regarding intellectual property, confidential information sharing, IP assignment, compliance with terms of service, communication and collaboration, and payment and compensation.

Intellectual Property (IP):

a. Freelancer Obligations:

i. Freelancers shall ensure that the work delivered on the platform does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of others.

ii. Freelancers grant clients a non-exclusive license to use the work upon successful completion and payment.

b. Client Obligations:

i. Clients shall respect the intellectual property rights of freelancers and only use the delivered work within the agreed scope.

ii. Clients may not use the work for purposes outside the agreed-upon project without explicit permission from the freelancer.

Confidential Information Sharing:

a. Freelancer Obligations:

i. Freelancers shall treat all client information as confidential and may not disclose or use it for personal gain.

ii. Freelancers must adhere to any confidentiality agreements or non-disclosure agreements established with clients.

b. Client Obligations:

i. Clients shall provide necessary information to freelancers for project completion.

ii. Clients may not share confidential information received from freelancers with third parties without explicit consent.

IP Assignment:

a. Freelancer Obligations:

i. Freelancers agree to assign the intellectual property rights of the work to the client upon successful completion and payment.

ii. Freelancers shall not retain any rights to the work that hinder the client's intended use.

b. Client Obligations:

i. Clients acknowledge that, upon payment, they acquire the intellectual property rights to the work and can use it as intended.

ii. Clients shall not request additional work beyond the agreed-upon scope without compensating freelancers appropriately.
6. Platform Usage
a. Geofencing:

i. Plebwork may implement geofencing mechanisms to restrict access from high-risk countries.

ii. Users must comply with geofencing measures.

b. Intellectual Property:

i. Users retain ownership of content created on Plebwork.

ii. Plebwork holds a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, modify, and distribute posted content.

iii. Users must respect and adhere to intellectual property rights.

c. Communication Archive:

All interactions between Talent and Client users on Plebwork.com occur within a secure chat instant messaging system. This system is designed to store all text data for archive purposes. The archived communications serve as a record of interactions, facilitating transparency and providing a historical reference for any potential disputes or inquiries. Users are encouraged to communicate exclusively through this platform to ensure a centralized and documented record of their discussions. Plebwork.com retains this archive feature to maintain a clear and traceable communication history for the benefit of both Talent and Client users.
7. Marketplace Fee
During early access, the platform fee is waived, so no charges apply at the moment. A fee may be applied later but terms are to be defined at the moment.
8. Termination Rights:
Plebwork reserves the right to terminate or suspend user accounts for violation of these Terms of Service.
9. Limitation of Liability:
a. Plebwork is not liable for direct, indirect, or consequential damages arising from platform use.

b. Communication measures include Terms of Service acknowledgment, prominent display, user agreement confirmation, educational materials, and email communication.
10. Modifications
a. Plebwork may update and modify these Terms of Service at any time.

b. Email notifications will be sent for significant modifications.
11. Governing Laws
a. These Terms of Service are governed by the laws of Andorra.

b. Legal matters arising shall be exclusively handled through Andorran courts.
12. Contact
For questions or concerns, contact support via support@plebwork.com.